Welcome to Sahaja Yoga Meditation in the UK
Sahaja Yoga is a unique method of meditation based on the experience of Self-realisation through Kundalini Awakening. It establishes a deep state of inner silence and joy, where one experiences the deepest self, free from unhelpful thoughts, anxieties and worries. Sahaja Yoga was founded in 1970 by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and is now practised worldwide. Find out more at www.shrimataji.org.
Sahaja Yoga is always free and available across the UK and in more than 70 countries around the world.

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What can I expect from Sahaja Yoga Meditation?
The experience of Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Self-realisation is subtle and extremely gentle. One enjoys a peaceful state where thinking reduces and the mind becomes still, whilst remaining fully aware in the present moment. With regular meditation, one develops deep inner stillness and calm, and an increased ability to deal with the challenges and stresses of daily life.
In Sahaja Yoga, we normally sit on chairs to meditate; so no need for mats or special clothing!
Our weekly sessions feature introductory talks, guided meditations, videos, practical workshops, with time for questions. There are ample opportunities to discuss the aims, culture and tradition of meditation, along with sharing practical insights on meditating at home and methods of maintaining balance throughout the day.
You may wish to attend an occasional whole day retreat to deepen your experience of meditation in an informal and relaxed environment.